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Information on how to set up an account with

To register for a free account with Clickatell and gain 10 free credits simply use the link below:


You should enroll with Clickatell to initially gain 10 free credits. After you have used your free 10 credits, you can purchase additional credits from Clickatell at rates well below those provided by your mobile operator. Clickatell additionally provide extensive reporting showing where they were sent to, when messages were sent and delivered and the cost.

Please make sure to register for the HTTP account, otherwise it will not work with SMS-it.

Once you have registered with Clickatell and the new API has been created , they will e-mail you the following information:

API Authentication Details            
    Use these details to log into the API. 
    API - ID:     YourAPI                  
    User:         YourUser                      
    Password:     (As per Account Details)  


Otherwise you will see those information by logging into your "Clickatell central (API)" account, on the Dashboard


If you can not see any HTTP API_ID then you have not yet registered for the HTTP API.
You can do this by selecting Product Control ->HTTP/S on the left navigation bar.

Just enter anything for the product name.



Those are the three settings you need to configure SMS-it!
Just enter those details in SMS-it under System->SMS Centrals:

In the above example the login information received form Clickatell where:

    API - ID:     112233                  
    User:         mawnet                      
    Password:     (your password)  


That's it! Now you are ready to send SMS to all your friends.


Sending with your own Sender ID
Clickatell allows you to send the SMS with your own mobile phone number as Sender ID. To enable this feature please check the corresponding option in SMS-it under System->SMS centrals.

Then you also need to enable this setting in Clickatell. To register your own sender ID, login to your Clickatell account and click on 'My Settings' and then 'Manage Sender ID's'. For more information about this feature please contact directly.

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