SMS-it! allows you to send a short message (SMS = Short Message Service) to a mobile phone using your computer. SMS-it supports SMS sending of Picture messages, Caller Group Graphic, Operator Logo, Ringtones and Flash SMS. It supports also downloading of WAP content to download polyphonic ringtones.
The messages can be sent through an attached modem, through an internet connection or directly through an attached mobile phone. If a mobile phone is attached to the computer (IE through Bluetooth), the contents of the inbox can be downloaded and stored in folders. The phonebook can also be downloaded and synchronized with SMS-it!. It also integrates perfectly with MS Outlook to send SMS from the user interface or a reminder.
Through command line parameters it is possible to send SMS from external applications as well, i.e. to send bulk SMS from a database.
The user interface currently supports the following languages:
Arabic, Dutch, English, Filipino, French, German, Hungarian, Portuguese BR, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish.
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