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On Monday , the 10.06.2008, MAW Support wrote at 23:26:08 :

>IVR services

Dear John

OK, please let me propose you the following (this is how we usually work):

I assume that you will develop the web site for the customers to select a participant restaurant and make a booking.
Will you develop the web site by your own ? If not we may get one of our partners to have a look at your requirements.
On your web server you will have a DB with the participating restaurants.
When a customer enters the booking details, your web server will generate an e-mail (XML format) that is sent to our IVR server. In this e-mail you tell out IVR server the details of the restaurant, the way how to make the booking (SMS, FAX, mail, voice) the details about the booking and the details of the customer. The later is needed for us to confirm the booking to the customer by e-mail or SMS.
Depending on your requirements, you may also decide to handle the confirmation to the customer yourself and/or handle the booking by e-mail/SMS/FAX yourself.
In any case you will get an e-mail confirmation from the IVR server for voice calls made to the restaurant, telling you weather the restaurant has accepted the booking or not.
Your web server is probably best hosted somewhere with a hosting company.
For the IVR server we recommend however to keep this on your premises. It will need a phone line attached to it that is used to call out to the restaurants.
The IVR Server is quite specific, so I don't think you will get a hosting company accepting to host it.

Normally we would buy the computer, fit the card and install commission the software before we send the IVR system to our customers.

For customers in the USA we tell you what computer you need for you to purchase it locally. This can be any office computer, as long as it has a normal seize PCI slot for the voice board to fit in. Then we order the voice board for you and tell you how to physically install it. From then on we do the rest (setup, configuration) over a remote control setup over the internet.
We provide you with a design specification that holds the details of the XML interface required for the interface between the web server and our IVR server.
So all you need to do is to give your web server developer this specification, for him to implement the interface on your side.

For the IVR system we use our own software framework INS ( This allows us to deliver stable, customer specific implementations of various IVR scenarios.

If you wish, we can also remote monitor the installed IVR system and make sure that it is working properly. The price for this remote monitoring will be approx EUR 100/month.

If you wish, I can prepare you a more detailed quote.
For this I just will need to know how the booking process will work in more details.
Do you have already a flow chart you can send me ?
What is exactly the purpose of the IVR system ? Only voice processing or also FAX/SMS/E-Mail sending? (Our product hand handle all channels).

a) Will you send the fax/e-mails/SMS to the restaurant directly?
b) Do you confirm the booking to the restaurant in writing (FAX or e-mail)?
d) Should the IVR system ask for a fax number to confirm the booking to the restaurant?
e) Does the IVR System need to retry the call, if the restaurant is busy/not answering?
How often ?
f) Does your web server confirm the booking to the customer or is this also handled by the IVR server ?
g) Will you record the finals voice prompts for the IVR system or do you want us to do so ?
(We will in any case deliver the initial voice prompts for testing

Just let me know some more details from your side and we take it from there.



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