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On Saturday , the 10.26.2002, MAW Support wrote at 10:27:37 :

Re: Precise application for MSCS


Thank you for your interest in our product.

>Something I am not sure I understood by reading the help: for direct
>message sending through the command line: Is it possible to trigger an
>outbound call based on a script (request for authentication)? As "Fire
>in CR" sample

From the command line you can send any type of message.

IE SendMsg.exe NOW VOICE MAW "c:\Hello.wav"

would immediately play the c:\Hello.wav file to the contact MAW.
The recipient will need to acknowledge the message by pressing the # key,
otherwise the messages is repeated.

If you call

SendMsg.exe NOW VOICE MAW "Hello"

the system will check in the assorted.cfg file if the string "Hello" has
been recorded and is available in the c:\msgserver\assorted directory. If
yes the file is played, if not the individual characters are played "H",
"E", "L", "L","O".

If you call

SendMsg.exe NOW VOICE MAW "Hello world"

the system will check in the assorted.cfg file if the string "Hello" and
"World" have been recorded and are available in the c:\msgserver\assorted

You may however also send outbound scripts

IE SendMsg.exe NOW VOICE MAW "c:\Hello.vsc"

Here the system will dial the contact and start executing the script
Inside the script you may request the caller to enter some digits for
identification before continuing, get data from a database, etc.
You may also use the "Speak String" cell and use the Text-To-Speech feature.

In all the samples above the user always needs to confirm the reception of
the message (voice or script) through the # key.

OK ?


Marc Wanderer

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