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On Thursday , the 07.24.2003, MAW Support wrote at 13:44:22 :

>>>SMSC using modem dial up in the UK


>I have managed to get SMS messages sent using the centre

>but I have noticed that every now and again it will fail to send
Most of the time this is due to the SMSC not answering. The UK SMSCs are
rather underdeveloped, hence can only handle a number of simultaneous calls.
So if there are too many callers it will just not answer.
This is one of the reasons why we have the "Redial" ability in MSCS, as it
will simply try to call again at a later stage. Sooner or later the message
will go through.

>or is it badly formatted messages?
This is unlikely as you are only sending text.

>We would also like to enquire about registration, what is the best
>way to do this and what fee do you charge for this?
Our current pricelist can be found on
If you send us more details about what you want to do with our MSCS we may
be able to advise on what license is best suited for your needs.


Marc Wanderer

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