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On Tuesday , the 01.01.2008, Bruce Leung wrote at 15:55:31 :

How to run VSC script

I am evaluating a few dial-out-play-message software like INS. I read the user guide, but it does not tell much how to run the .vsc script e.g. your sample script under
Also, I tried to call a number and play a voice file to the recipient and make sure he can listen the whole voice message after he picks up the phone OR leave it to his voice message system if the phone is off and/or busy. How can I write the script.
I tried the following :
sendmsg NOW VOICE [VOICE:98765432] "welcome_enh.wav"
However, the message is always left in the outbox of MsgCentre and never call the above number - Why was that - please help !


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