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On Wednesday , the 04.16.2003, MAW Support wrote at 17:38:21 :

>Paging from Citect

Dear Abid,

Thank you for your interest in our product.

>Can you provide some details as to what your software is capable of via

MSCS can integrate with CiTect in three ways:

Message sending (passive)
You may use a CiCode snipped and call our command line application to send
messages (SMS, pager, voice, fax, e-mail).
So typically you would detect an alarm in CiTect and the submit the alarm
message to MSCS which ensures its sending.
Sending can be either to individuals or groups. The individuals in the
groups may receive the message all the same way (IE per SMS) or
individually configured (IE Bob per SMS, Jack per fax, John per voice).
Please refer to our help file under SendMsg.exe for more details on this

Message sending (active)
Same as above except that you may use our Check-it utility and scan the
CiTect DB for values. When one of the values exceed a defined limit the
message is send as described above.
The evaluation copy comes with a sample entry for Check-it that shows how to
scan CiTect for variables.

IVR (Interactive voice response)
You may set up a IVR script that scans the CiTect values and reads back the
results to a caller. You may setup a script that allows a caller to navigate
through the menus. The system will readback the actual values and also allow
to (re)set variables.
Please have a look at C:\MsgServer\SampleScripts\VoiceScripts\Citect for a
IVR sample working with CiTect. In this sample we use DDE to communicate
with CiTect, you may however also use ODBC on ActiveX.

>Finally, what would the cost be if all we needed was SMS to mobile phone
and/or voice to home phone if alarm still not resolved.

The SendOnly version of MSCS sells at US$115.

>Finally, does it work on the Mobile phone networks in Australia?
Yes! We have several customers (including CiTect integrators) using our suite
to send SMS through the TELSTRA dial-up.

Please feel free to contact us again if you need any further information.


Marc Wanderer
MAW Consulting
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