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On Wednesday , the 05.21.2003, Abid wrote at 09:26:15 :

>>Paging from Citect

G'day Mark,

Sorry, haven't spoken for a while. I have discussed your software with
the control group in our company and cannot decide on whether it is
feasible to switch from the Citect Paging system which we are currently
using. The issues involved include;

1)justifing the purchase of your software in the event that we do not
end up using it.
2)Citect Paging does the necessary work as required.
3)Citect Paging is provided without any cost to us. (Hard to compete but
support availabilty and features in your software may win out)
4)Can we afford to spend time, which translates to money, configuring it
up etc... If we do not need all the functionality. Again, the Citect
paging does the job and easy to configure.

These are just some of the comments/feedback from the group. There was
some positive interest in terms of something new, and software that does
have support for it.

If you would like to promote your software, within ESI at least, I would
suggest the following which would allay the above "fears" of the bean
counters etc... Note: this is from a personal point of view rather than
the company. I personally am interested in trying the software out but
have to convince a few of the others.

1)Can you provide a licenced copy of the software as a trial in house
2)Do you have an example Citect project that has the system integrated.
Even a "step-by-step" configuration document would be sufficient.
3)Does the software work with other SCADA packages?? Intellution iFix,
Wonderware etc...
4)How easy is it for an operator to turn alarms on and off from paging
or re-route them etc...
5)How does this software compare with Win911. see
"" for details if unaware
6)If a client wants a specific feature how willing MAW willing to
accommodate. For Example, if the client wants control of the paging via
SCADA rather than having to use the software etc...

Looking forward to your comments.



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